Georgia Phillips was part of the GLP cohort of 2017. In the 18 months since her return, she has significantly enhanced her, and her school’s, delivery of Learning for Sustainability (LfS) and Global Citizenship.
She is currently the Raising Attainment Champion and LfS Lead for her school, as well as an inspiration for empowering her young pupils.
“Delivering Global Education as a tick box exercise didn’t sit well with me. My time in Rwanda helped to develop my confidence and strengthen my voice and I am aiming to use this to make positive changes in the school setting and within the wider education system.”
Her experience has made her think in a more creative and holistic manner and she is embracing new approaches to Raising Attainment.
Her LfS efforts have included developing a community vegetable garden, a project to make the school grounds more caterpillar and moth friendly and inviting Blair Drummond Safari Park to talk to the pupils about issues affecting the planet and wildlife.
She is also working with 2018 alumni Jennifer Hutton to arrange LfS cluster CLPL opportunities.
Georgia’s other observations from her GLP experience:
“Although our IEE colleagues repeatedly thanked us for our guidance, I can genuinely say, hand on heart, that the feeling was mutual. We went on a journey of development together which shaped us all into improved educators at the end of it. It truly was a shared learning experience.”
“I believe that shared learning experience is crucial to our development and opportunities for this should be prioritised. It is not easy for teachers to reflect on their own practice without the support of other practitioners.”
“The GLP process provided us with countless opportunities but, the most valuable gift was being able to work with colleagues from a wide range of areas, especially peers from outside our usual responsibilities. I felt it was particularly beneficial to share practice with secondary colleagues and an educational social worker, who gave a different insight into the many issues facing our young people today.”